Devtech Systems. Inc, an international development consulting firm based in Washington, D.C., has been implementing  the USAID-funded Economic Growth Support Activity (EGSA) in Indonesia since November 2019. EGSA aims to assist USAID/Indonesia reengage in the economic growth space; assist Government of Indonesia (GOI) to strengthen its capacity in public financial management policy and practices, especially to effectively collect taxes and improve budget execution; and the improve the business enabling environment in Indonesia. EGSA will be implemented over two years through October 2021 with the possibility of one option year.

The purpose of this EOI is to establish a pool of technical experts and qualified  individual consultants who can deliver professional services on a short-term technical assistance (STTA) basis during EGSA implementation.

Required Expertise

EGSA is looking for individual national expert consultants with high-level expertise and professional experience in one or more of the following areas;

·       Trade economist

·       Economic modeling and forecasting

·       Cost-Benefit Analysis

·       Fiscal risk analysis

·       Fiscal decentralization and local government finance

·       Budget planning, formulation, and reforms

·       Gender-based budgeting

·       Financial management for cooperatives, MSMEs, and BUMDES

·       Business regulatory reforms

·       Trade system reform and modernization,

·       and other related areas.

Qualification Requirements

·       Advanced degree in economics, public finance, or other relevant disciplines

·       At least seven (7) years of professional experience in a relevant function

·       Experience working on USAID- or other donor-funded projects in Indonesia or other developing countries with similar context

·       Good interpersonal skills, networking, flexibility, and innovativeness

·       Excellent command of English, both oral and written

·       Prior experience working as a consultant is preferred.

Submission Guidelines  

Please submit a cover letter and a CV to Mr. Robert Pramudarto (rpramudarto@devtechsys.com) and mention the position(s) to which you are applying in the subject line.

Submission Deadline

Call for this EOI is open until June 12, 2020 . Applications will be collected throughout the announcement period of the EOI. The first batch of applications will be collected for consideration on June 12, 2020.

Evaluation Criteria

Applications will be reviewed by EGSA Evaluation Committee against the minimum qualification requirements defined above. Applicants will be called upon only if meeting requirements and when suitable assignments are determined by EGSA leadership.

We welcome you to learn more about Devtech Systems, Inc at www.devtech.com  

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