Vacancy with the AHA Centre - Preparedness & Response Officer - Logistics



Job Title                       : Preparedness and Response Officer - Logistics

Unit                              : Operations Division

Reporting to                 : Assistant Director for Operations – Preparedness and Response

Supervising                 : DELSA Logistics Officer, National Logistics Officer (Philippines) and National Logistics Officer (Thailand)


            Broad Statement of Function


·       Carry out activities pertaining to disaster preparedness and response, particularly in the maintenance of the Standby Arrangement database;

·       Manage, supervise and coordinate the overall implementation of all activities related to logistics;

·       Assist in implementing cooperation programmes and projects to further improve ASEAN disaster preparedness and response;

·       Assist in implementing activities to attain objectives as stated in specific plans of action, such as AADMER work programmes related to AHA Centre and strategic work plans of the AHA Centre;

·       Carry out any other assignments as tasked by his/her supervisors.



Primary Responsibilities


Manage and carry out AHA Centre activities pertaining to preparedness and response; and ensure a high level of professionalism in those areas


·       Compile and update data and information in the ASEAN Standby Arrangement database of earmarked assets and capacities for disaster relief and emergency response including from partners;

·       Input in the Standby Arrangement Database, data on staging areas / collection points and stockpiles / warehouses for relief supplies and expertise from Member States;

·       Maintain and update data on predesignated areas as entry points for supplies and expertise from Assisting Entities, and develop and maintain the database of such network of entry points;

·       Maintain procedures for stockpiling, procurement and distribution of relief assets;

·       Oversee the day-to-day operational activities related to ASEAN Disaster Emergency Stockpile located in the regional and satellite warehouses;

·       Plan, develop and implement strategies for ASEAN Logistics Roadmap to meet agreed organisational performance (AHA Centre) plans; assist in carrying out relevant training and/or simulation exercises related to logistics;

·       Prepare administrative requirements to facilitate assistance to affected country NDMO when disaster occurs;

·       Assist in the review of regional standard operating procedures for Standby Arrangements; Assist in carrying out relevant training and/or simulation exercises;

·       Maintain communication linkages and rapport with peerlevel logistics officers in the NDMOs; Assist the Division in recommending types of relief supplies and experts needed to respond to certain types of disasters;

·       Check the Standby Arrangement database in the DMRS the availability of relief supplies, expertise and search and rescue (SAR) teams for items that can be offered for deployment to the affected country;

·       Assist in the deployment of Standby Arrangement relief supplies, experts and/or SAR teams to the affected countries in collaboration with NFPs of assisting countries;

·       Assist in the deployment of onsite AHA Centre Liaison Officer(s) to facilitate coordination between the assisting entities and the affected country;

·       Provide administrative support to the Division in developing and finalising contractual arrangements for assistance;

·       Assist in the processing of transit of personnel, equipment, facilities and materials in respect of the provisions of assistance;

·       Prepare and record documentation on activities relating to emergency preparedness and response logistics;

·       Prepare necessary documents for and monitor the utilisation of budget allocated to the Unit; Follow and carry out emergency preparedness and response procedures as stipulated in the SASOP;

·       Ensure continuing professional development of supervised staff by conducting performance appraisal, coaching and counselling to facilitate the subordinates in achieving optimum performance.



Job Qualification




·       Preferably Master’s Degree in one or more of the following disciplines: Disaster Management; Emergency Management; Disaster Risk Reduction; Natural Resource Management; Environmental Management; Business Management or relevant subject




·       At least three years of experience with proven track record and exposure to disaster and emergency response operations in a government, international organization and/or private sector;

·       Experience in dealing with a wide spectrum of areas in disaster management and developmental cooperation (policies, trends, issues and development) both at the regional and international environment;

·       Exposure to relevant activities dealing with various international organizations, related institutions and/or private sector



Competency Profile


Core competence

  • High integrity and conscientiousness;
  • Ability to work under pressure;
  • Good composure;
  • Ability to project professionalism;
  • Ability to work as team leader and/or team member
  • Ability to work in a multicultural setting


Technical Competency


  • Good understanding of logistics for disaster emergency response operations;
  • Knowledge of and familiarity with disaster preparedness and response concepts and operations;
  • Exposure to disaster emergency response operations;
  • Basic knowledge and understanding of concepts of information and communications technology;
  • Good regional and international awareness of developments in disaster management


Managerial Competency


  • Awareness of regional and international issues
  • Good emergency management skills
  • Ability to facilitate operations
  • Good command of oral and written English
  • Good communication skills
  • Good relationship management skills


You may apply by sending your application to, highlighting your suitability  and potential contribution to the position together with a detailed CV, certified true copies of educational certificates obtained, and completed the AHA Centre Application Form, which can                             be downloaded at, by Friday 22 October 2021.


Please ensure that the total size of your email including attachments is no more than 5 MB.


Please indicate the name of the position that you are applying for on the subject of your email.                    Incomplete applications will not be considered.


The Selection Panel's decision is final and only shortlisted candidates will be notified.




Thank you for your kind attention and best regards,


Human Resources Unit
The AHA Centre                                          
Graha BNPB, 13th floor                            
Jl. Raya Pramuka Kav. 38                                    
East Jakarta 13120 Indonesia                        
Phone (62-21) 21012278

aha centre     @ahacentre  



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