Lowongan Kopernik - Procurement Officer - Ubud, Bali


Kopernik is an exciting, cutting-edge organisation that finds what works to address the problems faced by those living in poverty. Through rapid prototyping and experimentation, Kopernik works directly with last mile communities, and in collaboration with our partners from the development, public, private and creative sectors to reduce poverty.

Kopernik values action, getting things done, and being open and transparent - we have a professional and highly skilled team who are always looking for ways to innovate.


Location: Ubud, Bali

Job Summary:

We are recruiting a highly motivated and creative Procurement Officer to work with Kopernik’s operation team, to manage Kopernik’s purchasing.

Responsible for overall procurement processes performed by Kopernik including: document review and provide feedback on procurement request to ensure correct specification; locate and negotiate with vendors to secure advantageous terms and best value of product; provide summary bids analysis to the line manager and budget holders for final approval; finalize purchase details of orders (or contract) and agreed deliveries mechanism; discover the best way to reduce procurement expenses to optimize the utilization of the budget; to ensure that overall orders are well received in terms of quality, quantity and meet the deadline; and to ensure that all procurement documentation are well managed and documented.
Work closely with line manager and program team lead to ensure that all procurement processes are in line with Kopernik and donors’ regulation;
Manage active communication to all program team leads or requestor to determine procurement needs that in order to enable the procurement officer to schedule the procurement plan. This includes providing relevant data to field offices and project teams
Maintain the Tech Kiosk sales and stocks. This includes to perform database and report of stocks and sales.
Work closely with field and project teams to support procurement and office management in different locations. This includes procuring and arranging contract renewal for field offices and continuous vendor (by program budget)
Responsible for importation and customs management
Confirm shipping and logistics to ensure order requirements are met with third party providers
Effective recording and reporting for all procurement and shipping. Including providing report for any identified possible risk of procurement
Provide support for Travel Team when the officer is on leave
Manage relationships and maintain communication with related business partners (suppliers, shipping vendors, local partners, agents, and internal staff)
Work with Senior Operations Officer in day to day operation
Monitor and track assets procured for various projects
Other duties as required

Skills and behaviors:
Positive attitude, hard-working, reliable, motivated and passionate about social impact.
Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and Indonesian.
Excellent organizational and purchasing skills
Excellent attention to detail
Fully computer literate and tech savvy
Ability to work quickly and deliver projects to tight deadlines
Ability to deliver high-quality order under deadlines
High level interpersonal skills and the capacity to develop and maintain strong relationships at all levels and to engage a wide range of stakeholders
Ability to work in a multicultural and interdisciplinary working environment

Qualification in Economic / Business Administration
Minimum four years of work experience, with at least two years in a similar role.
Experience in procurement for projects
Details oriented
A commitment to Kopernik’s culture and values in reaching underserved communities
Indonesian national


Only candidates who apply via our website will be considered. Please visit https://kopernik.info/en/about/careers/procurement-officer  

Best Regards,

K-Team Recruitment


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