Plastic Smart Cities: Plastic Smart Island Communities Feasibility Study


The Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries, and Food Security (CTI-CFF) Regional 
Plan of Action 2.0 (2021-2030) emphasizes the necessity for strategies to combat ocean waste. 
Following the plan's launch, the WWF Coral Triangle Program (CTP) has been tasked with co-developing a plastic strategy for 
coastal areas in the Coral Triangle. The thousands of islands in the region face a unique waste 
management challenge, dealing not only with their own waste but also receiving waste from other 
islands and countries. The islands face the urgent need for scalable waste management solutions to 
preserve their ecosystems and protect local communities. 

WWF CTP aims to establish a network of Plastic Smart Islands, fostering collaboration and 
knowledge exchange to address waste management challenges in coastal and island communities. 
Aligned with the CTI-CFF's Capacity Building Roadmap, this initiative, in partnership with existing 
community learning hubs seek to inspire scalable waste and restoration solutions throughout the 
diverse archipelago of Asia. 

Study Objective
The primary objective of this study is: 
  1. To gather a collection of solutions that address plastic pollution in CTI-CFF focus regions: the cases to explore will be focusing on governance, market enablers, enterprise solutions, and community initiatives surrounding plastic solutions across Coral Triangle Countries. It aims to observe patterns and connections between land-based and sea-based challenges and solutions, particularly in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Malaysia.  
  2. Build presentable report & initial insight: The proposed solutions (study cases) will be distilled in a report and presentable materials with the audience of CTI-CFF member secretariats. The report insight should prioritize sustainability, avoiding the highlight of one-time initiatives such as beach clean-ups, and instead seek to showcase lasting, impactful strategies. 

Purpose of the study
This consultancy engagement aims to: 
  1. Gather data and solution case studies; 
  2. Analyse and gain insight into the current solutions across governance, market enablers, enterprise solutions, and community initiatives across Coral Triangle Countries; 
  3. Distill the information and build easy-to-digest materials for the audience of the report. 

Geographic Scope 

The initial list of islands for assessment includes: 
  • Malaysia: Larapan, Mabul, Oma Dal 
  • Indonesia: Derawan 
  • Philippines: IGaCOS, Palawan (4 Barangays) 

Target Audience & Utilization of Findings

The study targets WWF teams, stakeholders implementing plastic waste programs, island 
communities, and governing stakeholders of small islands. Findings will refine existing programs and 
provide valuable insights for partners. Stakeholders in the waste management sector can leverage the 
study to influence the scaling of best practices in small islands.

How to Apply 

Interested vendors should send a brief application to Cc : no later than May 17th, 2024. The application should include: 

1. Proposal which includes: 
  • Work plan which provides for methodology, study design, and data sources. 
  • Organizational information and strength of the consultant for this project 
  • Budget and timeline 
2. CV(s) of consultants involved with relevant qualifications and experiences 

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